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What do your customers think about your staff

These days with so much power put in the hands of people and their relationship with your staff due to social media, it is undeniably important that your staff leave your customers in a better place than when they came into contact with them.

Imagine the 2 following scenarios and how they will have a significant impact on the customers and any possible flow on effect


Your staff are just as they have always been. They are there to tick off the boxes and just basically to get through the day and get their paycheque at the end of the week. They don't have any desire to go above and beyond the least that is expected and they feel like their bosses don't notice what they have done even if they did, and they don't feel at all as if they are a part of the team. This is a classic situation that people are going through on a daily basis, and I feel George Carlin says it the best “People work just hard enough to not get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit”.

When your customers come into contact with your employees like this they don't go away with a positive attitude towards your company or business. These days they are also quick to publish anything negative on social media to get a few more likes on their pages, and this can potentially reach hundreds if not thousands of people, as a result they will not become raving fans and give positive word of mouth reviews


Your staff are happy and playful. They really care for the experience that the customer is having and more than that they care about their fellow employees. These staff feel like they are appreciated by their bosses and they are playing a role in a thriving team as well as really enjoying the fact that their team is doing really well

The staff in Scenario 2 will do more for their fellow teammates as well as the entire team as they feel appreciated and when you are working with people you care about you tend to be willing to do more for them than you would do if that was just another work colleague. It has been shown time and time again that people will do much more for people they care about than for themselves. This reaches out to the workplace as well. 

A simple way we can change this is to follow the footsteps of great sporting teams out there, and my background as an athlete and coach makes this easy for me, but I will explain this for you.

In sporting teams it all starts even before the pre-season. We select people that will play in certain positions amongst our team according to their skill set and their previous playing background. In the work environment this is obviously the hiring process. If our team was in search for a Front Rower that has great hit-ups, is ok defensively and we will need him for 2x 20 minute stints that is what we would go looking for. Having this level of detail going into the hiring process cuts down a lot of time.

But how do I go about it if the team is already set?

This is more difficult, particularly if the people have been there for years, and they have established routines, habits and the culture of the place is a little dodgy. You cant expect to go in swinging a sledge hammer making instant massive changes, but what you can do is go in a subtly see who is the “Team Captain” and slowly make inroads with them. As a coach in this situation you can really work it 2 ways.

1) Swing that hammer and potentially have it backfire and have mutiny

2) Create an open forum just as we would after a football match or a fight, and have a breakdown of what worked and what didn't work. In this format make it known that we need problems, and problems from ground zero. It is also essential that along with the problems we need solutions, and not personal problems, but problems that as a team we can fix. Anything personal should be left to the coach and trainers (Boss and Managers) to deal with. We have to ensure that every team member knows the direction we are headed and know their role in the team and have them playing to their strengths for the benefit of the team. The players also have to be heard. There is nothing more frustrating than having a meeting, be it in work or sports, where you have left your heart out there only for it to be ignored. Many times it isn't actually ignored, but the opinion of the player is that it was, and that can cut deep to the particular player. You will see them gradually get further and further away from the discussions and potentially become “cancer” within the team.

By Cancer I mean someone that is continually undermining the direction headed by the leadership team, and someone that has nothing positive to say at all, and is continually making negative narky comments to anyone that will listen. Unfortunately if these type of employees go unchecked, as does a cancer, they spread. I have seen this happen before, and it was with quite a positive person who felt tired of not being listened to, turned their back on what was going on and became negative. If they don’t get reined in quick the damage by these people can cause untold damage, and they may even need to be cut out, as needs to be done with real cancers.

If you can’t act on peoples comments, the worst thing you can do is to just leave it. Even in private acknowledge their comment and that you did hear and understand their issue, then you need to explain the process from there. 

Remember the most important thing is that happy staff leave a happy customer. You want staff that will feel part of the team and play their position above and beyond.

If you want to learn more about my “5 Steps Towards Improved Vitality” Feel free to email me at  


This goes against what most people think of when they think of success. The majority of people think along the lines of “FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION”

This is a saying that comes up again and again, and I know people are trying to be helpful and “motivating” but this is one of the sayings that really gets under my skin. Failure is ALWAYS an option, more often than that, failure is quite often the easiest option. How easy is it to just pick up your bat and ball and go home.

Having conversations with various clients I also must be clear what is meant by the term “FAILURE”. If you talk to one person it can mean stumbling and falling, or missing their KPI’s or quotas, to them that is failure. Ask someone else and they may come up with the idea that failing is simply quitting before the game is up. It is such a grey area and as such is down to each individuals own interpretation.

If you take the former idea, that failing is stumbling and falling, I think that failure is, in most instances, a must. That is when we are trying new ideas and concepts and finding out from our own experiences what works and what doesn’t. So long as you are smart enough to learn from these stumbling blocks and come at it with a different strategy and if necessary get some fresh eyes to look over the issue and see if together you brainstorm can combat the problem.

This is in sporting terms like standing up at bat in baseball and being to scared to take a swing. If you don’t take a swing you can still get struck out, but you have no chance at hitting the ball, let along hit a home run.

Babe Ruth (American Baseballer) is a legend for his ability to hit home runs. In his 22 Seasons in the Major League he hit the most amount of home runs in the American League for 12 of those seasons. Having said that he also lead the league in strikeouts 5 times and for many years was known as the King of Strikeouts. But ask just about anyone these days and Babe Ruth is known for his all or nothing approach and his homeruns.

If however you take the latter, that failure is quitting, then there are arguments for that as well. I completely understand if you have put in countless hours of work, and lots of money into a project and nothing is coming from it, that you will want to get something in return. If you ask the question, “Is it all worth it”, well, maybe it just isn’t? You must take a good look at your situation and your mindset and make sure it is something you would do even if you wouldn’t get the rewards.

If i was to do something like programming or computers, it wouldn’t matter how much money or how much time I put in I just wouldn’t have the passion or drive to keep at it when times get tough. You can bet your bottom dollar that business and any endeavour will have it’s tough times and if it isn’t something that you are passionate about you will more than likely give up and quit (FAIL), which in all honesty could be the best thing for you to do strategically.

If however you are doing that you are passionate about, with me it is Speaking, Coaching and Fitness, you will find a way to push through even when the chips are down. That is precisely where you want to be.

Quitting or “FAILING” as it were, can be the best strategic tool when applied properly. If you quit on something that is failing and beyond repair, or something that is of no interest to you, you will free up a lot of time and resources towards what your true passion is.

For those out there that spread the gospel “Failure is not an option”
I ask them to take a close look at the question and truly be honest with themselves. Is failure really not an option, or is it actually the best option?


Copyright © 2022 by David Lindsay