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For those out there that spread the gospel “Failure is not an option”
STRESS. Is it really a bad thing?
If you take any notice of people at all in society, you will notice a lot of people will say, more so complain, that they are STRESSED OUT. So the question is, is stress really that bad for you?
The answer may confuse some a little, but hear me out and read on and hopefully it will become clearer. The answer to is stress bad is both YES and NO.
The explanations I use will mostly come from a sporting/ training perspective, but studies repeatedly show a direct correlation with physical, mental and emotional stress, and that these principles can go from the sporting world into the business world.
When you start training you have a baseline level of strength, endurance, mobility and technique (mostly these start off quite low). With weight training you will stress the muscles, connective tissues, joints and bones through manipulating the weights, reps, tempo etc. If you don't stress it enough there will be nil to minimal results, yet if you over stress (by using too much weight) the muscles you are using can risk injury, and at the very least you will be very, very sore for quite a few days.
By using the right weight and rep range for your current level and the goals you want to reach, you will stress your body and you may be a little sore the next day or two, but you will create adaptions in your body becoming stronger, being able to lift heavier weights for more reps down the track. This is called progressive overload.
By putting your body, emotions and your mind under the right amount of stress you will create an adaptive response. This in itself isn't enough though. If it were people would be going "Balls to the wall" so to speak, all the time and be getting bigger and better. When you see people taking this approach, be it athletes or your employees, they will eventually hit the wall and burn out. What is needed here is recovery/rest. If you don't get enough recovery your results will eventually start to drop. This tends to create an even bigger issue in itself. When peoples results start sliding they feel they have to train harder, work longer, to get the same results, but the results keep dropping. They are trying harder and longer but their results keep dropping, leading to more, and harder work, eventually leading to burnout.
On the other hand you can be put in a no stress/ low stress environment and end up with no growth at all. Or you can be put in a stressful environment, lets use the weights analogy again, hit the "Sweet spot" of stress, by using the correct weight and reps, have the body adapt, rest too long, then lose any possible gains, only to end up at the same place you started.
The ideal way is to be put under some stress, then enable your body and mind some time to rest and recover, then stress it out again. This can be something as simple as leaving the office and going for a walk in the fresh air, or meet up with some friends to completely escape and disconnect with work and its possible issues.
The main part here is to leave work at work. I know with technology these days it is becoming harder to be done, but it is possible, and I will be discussing this in the next BLOG.
David Lindsay
Integrated Health and Vitality